Elpha Members Holiday Edition Chat 🎁🎄🕎 Dec 2020

December is upon us… Love Actually, hot chocolate with whipped cream, scented candles… you catch the drift? The Holidays are upon us!
2020 has been a rough year for many of us, so let’s put it to bed!

I am so excited to meet you during our December Members Chat - special Holiday season!

During the chat, you will:

🤝 Meet other amazing Elphas from around the world (Thank you Technology for bringing us all together);
💡 Get a chance to share what you are working on;
💭 Ask all your questions about Elpha!

I will kick things off with a quick introduction about myself, and then there will be two rounds of 1:1 conversations (10 min each) where you and another Elpha will take turns to answer questions (or, talk about anything you want)

PS: There may or may not be a Santa’s cameo 😉 🎅🏾